Thank you for visiting my site!
I believe exploring and owning your cultural identity cultivates happy wholistic people who are capable of mutual respect, empathy, and connectedness in this diverse world we live in.
I also believe in visiting your local library at least once a week.
I am a writer today, because I am a reader.
And, I am reader because of public libraries.
Growing up, despite never being able to buy loads of books, I read widely. I was the child who maxed out her library card every week and was happy with her nose in a book and head full of adventures in far away lands.
The benefits of reading for pleasure are tremendous! So I do hope you’ll find your local library and get yourself a library card!
Sandhya x
Read more about Sandhya’s bio, books and awards here: Press Kit.
I love mangoes – green ones! Dipped in salt and chilli powder.
My first language – Malayalam. This word is a pallindrome!
I love watching Malayalam movies and comedy shows.
Sandhya is a two syllable word (Sun-dhya) meaning ‘dusk’. Parappukkaran is pronounced Para-poo-kkaa:-ren. The stress is on the kk and the second last ‘a’ is a long vowel sound.
Possibly the first Malayali-Australian to be a finalist for the Queensland Literary Award!!
I visit the library once a week.
Galahs are my favourite bird. You can see them around Brisbane.