When I first started writing stories – with a big dream of having a published picture book one day – I knew I needed to know more. So, I googled, and I gobbled up every piece of advice I could find. And, there was plenty of advice.

One recurring bell that rang loud on every ‘how to get published’ site I devoured, was to join a writing group.
So, I googled that too, and found Write Links Brisbane.
I had never met any other adults who were excited by children’s books as much as I was. And at my very first meeting, I was in a room full of children’s literature enthusiasts. I was beaming!

When you join a writing group, you will find your tribe – those who will lift you up and encourage you to keep going on the tough days and cheer loudly with you on your good days.
Networking, sharing your highs and lows, sharing collective wisdom are some of the important agendas at Write Links. We also have professional development sessions, creative writing and drawing activation sessions and critique groups.
Another fairly loud bell that rang in my google research was the importance of critique groups. The best way to bring clarity and strength to your story is to join a critique group. Through critiques you will gain valuable feedback to polish your story and make it the best possible version ever.
Since the beginning of 2021, I am the picture book critique group coordinator at Write Links. I happily volunteer my time for this because I get to meet loads of other picture book authors and lovers of picture books.
A huge thank you to all my critique buddies without whom writing would be a very lonely thing.