If your up for a suspenseful, heart pounding, sci-fi bedtime story with a chilling twist at the end, then this picture book is for you.
Dana and Fox have been investigating the truth – which is closer than you think – about the strange shadows and noises, that seem to come from out of this world… but are they really? Or,
Is there a rational explanation for everything?
I thought the ending might freak T out; he was surprised but okay and agreed this was a fun book to read.
We loved how the whole book is narrated in speech bubbles. The illustrations are awesome, with a good balance of spooky dark, filtered light, bright colours and white space, making this a very pleasant and appealing book.
Parents who were fans of ‘The X Files’ TV series may feel a touch of nostalgia, seeing the young versions of Dana Scully and Fox Mulder.