Just past the Junior Fiction section at Zillmere Library, there’s a little shelf full of comics. That’s where we found this gem, Garfield Feeds His Face by Jim Davis.
When I showed Mr. 6 he wasn’t interested at first, but I borrowed it anyway. Flicking through these comic strips reminded me of the days when I would open the door in the mornings to the newspaper and a bottle of milk. The first thing I’d do was find the comics page!
I tried my usual tactics of leaving the book lying around and modelling reading. Before long Mr. 6 was intrigued by my chuckling and took over the book! He didn’t get all of it, but there were plenty of strips that he understood and found funny. He read those over and over again. He laughed at Garfield’s funny faces and dialogues. That’s a win for books and reading. Yay!
We had so many favourites, just adding snapshots of some of them below!

Comics are great to lure reluctant readers to the world of reading. There are so many different ones, try your local library, ask the librarian for help and find one that interests your child. Comics can carry a story with so much pace in just three little boxes, and the illustrations convey momentum too.
Don’t just stick with one type of book or one genre. I think it’s great to choose different genres and always try to broaden your reading horizons!
Happy reading!!