Did you know that a baby echidna is called a puggle? I didn’t until I came across the teaching notes for this book. That is such a cute name and look at that cute puggle on the enticing cover!
This gorgeous creation ticks all the boxes for a winning picture book. Beautiful endpapers, stunning visuals, enchanting language and heartwarming story with a positive message. Vikki Conley’s text is a joy to read out loud and Helene Magisson has captured the beauty of the Australian landscape in these pages. The gum tree bark is grey, while the grass and leaves share various shades of greens from bright to silvery and the gum nut blossoms are a glorious pink. The surreal scenery together with lilac butterflies and lovable Aussie animals and birds weave magic in this book.
Puggle not only enjoys the songs of the birds in the bush but also wishes he could sing too. All the birds have distinctive sounds, even the kangaroo and koala join in the music by making clicking and grunting noises. Under the big brown kookaburra’s direction, all the animals sing in unison, while Puggle watches in wonder and yearns to participate. But with no sound of his own, what could he do? Finally, an opportunity arises and he bravely takes it. The others are dubious but Puggles believe in himself enough to take the plunge!
Puggle’s persistence is endearing. Even when it seemed as though he couldn’t join in Puggle is happy just to be surrounded by the magical music, which is a wonderful attitude to develop in oneself. The enchanting pale pink spread where Puggle listens to the choir with a smile on his face and hands clasped together tells it all.
INSTRUCTIONS: When you find a word, click on the first letter, then slide over to the last letter, and click again! Find all the words!!
[game-wordsearch id=”2217″ ]
Suggested age: Read aloud to 3+. Read by self 5+. Recommended for an intermediate reader.
Published by New Frontier Publishing, 2019.